Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Shark Fun Run

I've really liked Caden's school.  They have tons of fact, sometimes it's a little overwhelming.  There is the 100 mile challenge, Wheel of Fortune, Lunch with Dr. T, Dr T's readers, wooden nickles, the 100% club, something-about-running program, school choir, family fitness night, and that's not even counting weekly homework, at home readers and nightly reading.  Whew.  

But one program they did NOT do this year was any cookie dough/wrapping paper/candy bars-fundraisers. (So happy to skip that!) Instead they hosted a 5K  race and encouraged people from the community to sponsor or participate.

It was so fun to watch Caden in his firat race.  Here he is getting warmed up with one of his BFFs Canyon--  

Afterwards, they had tons of prizes for a drawing and Caden won a football.  Yea for happy/healthy kids and a school that promotes that.  

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