Monday, February 9, 2015


It started with our trip to Sacramento when my sister brought a cabbage patch doll for her daughter, Lexi.  Tessa played with the doll for a bit one day and was pretty happy about it.

Fast forward to the day after Christmas when I shocked my parents by telling them I didn't get a doll for Tessa for Christmas (gasp!)  Apparently I missed the memo about a little girl's first Christmas?  I should have known what would happen next.  A few days later, my mom called and had found a new doll for Tessa.

And Tessa loved it.

Tessa would drag her baby all over the house, poking her eyes and giving her "kisses." And even though you're not going to believe me on this, she had a special voice she would use when she'd talk to her baby.  It was a higher pitch.  Chad and I would be sitting in another room and we could tell when she'd found her baby because she'd use her, well, baby voice. (here)

Except we had a problem.  Named Bryce.  Who, up to this point in his life, had never had the opportunity to play with a doll and now had the novelty of a baby doll right in his own home.  He took over the care of the doll and was insistent we do everything just so--wrapping her up, changing her diaper, rocking her.  He even asked me to nurse the doll like I nurse Tessa.

The second morning we had the doll, Bryce told the whole family we had to come into our bedroom.  He started out with directions, "Everyone, sit in a circle.  Now, everyone?  Criss cross applesauce.  Now we need a prayer."  After the prayer, he made his big announcement, "I have something very special...I have named my baby." The suspense was killing us.

Her name was Bellsyn.  Apparently Belle (which Caden and I liked and tried talking him into) wasn't regal enough.

 I couldn't help but notice Chad was relieved when the glamour of Bellsyn wore off for Bryce after a few days. Apparently Bryce is not ready for the full time parenting thing yet.

One more video showing Tessa finding her baby but not able to reach it here.


  1. Those videos! So darling! Susie has never really liked baby dolls (though she loves her AG doll), but Ava LOVES the baby dolls...though perhaps not as much as Tessa does! We need to get together and play!

  2. Haha! Oh, Bryce... could I love that kid any more?! (even if he wouldn't tell me the name of his baby) Or any of your kids any more?

    Can't wait to see what happens when Tessa starts getting dress up clothes and make-up ;)
