Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Spring Break--Fishing

Whoever calls Spring Break a "break" isn't a stay at home mom who blesses the halls of the local elementary.  I am not complaining--we had a lot of fun crammed into the week.  I'm just saying--my break came Monday morning at 9:05.

The first few days of Spring Break we had my nephew, Spencer.  He is only 2 and the youngest of four kids, so he's used to following older siblings around.  Spencer loved being with Bryce, which irked Caden just a bit since Caden is used to being the first choice.  Bryce was a champ at taking Spencer around and having them share a room worked out better than I'd hoped.

Chad had the end of the week off.  Of course he wanted to work in the yard so after a morning at the temple, we spent the rest of the day aerating, weeding and other "yard stuff".  He gets giddy with his muck boots on and a shovel in his hand.  More power to him.

The next day I convinced Chad we needed to do something fun with the kids Yes, honey, more fun than raking. No, honey, laying down mulch does not count, either.  We first stopped at 7-11 for Bring Your Own Cup day (we took a 64 oz pitcher) and then for pizza because we had a coupon for free garlic bread...yes, we are classy like that.  Then we went to Manilla Pond to do a little fishing.  Before I had even reached the spot where Chad and the boys were already setting up the pole, Bryce had a bleeding scrape across his ankle and Caden's flip flop was literally in the middle of the pond.

The afternoon can pretty much be summed up in this picture:

Yes, Caden has 4 straws in his slurpie.  Yes, Tessa spent the entire time trying to get a sip of any slurpie near her, and no, I did not tell Bryce to pose like that.  And YES, we are having fun!

After killing the first three fish we caught (from the boys jerking the pole around...Chad felt really bad but I tried to assure him it's the circle of life) we called it good and took the pole down to let the kids play on the sandy beach. 

The day was beautiful but before long the kids got worn out and it was time to pack up and head out for nap time.  
We hadn't been home 15 minutes from our outing and Chad had his wheelbarrow full of dirt.


  1. You are seriously such a talented writer!! I like reading your blog to keep up with you guys, and because all but like 2 of my friends have quit blogging, but I especially like reading it for your writing and whit!

  2. Your family is my ideal family. Can I petition to join it legally?
