Bryce was Spiderman, Tessa wanted a puppy and Caden was Ultron. He saw this costume at Costco in July and begged me for it. I told him I wasn't paying 18.00 for a costume, and he had to earn $9 to pay for half. He earned his money by baby-sitting Tessa, doing jobs in the yard and going around the neighborhood sweeping people's driveways. He told me he loves the "details" of the costume.
We trick or treated with Jason and Deanna's kids before going to say hi to Chad's grandparents. Then we decided to trick or treat around the neighborhood for a bit, but got stopped a few doors down. Per our neighborhood's usual awesomeness, a family hosted bonfires, hot cocoa and live music for everyone to stay and hang out. Bryce and his BFF Krue danced all night while Tessa and I drank about 8 cups of cocoa. The only scary thing about this holiday is the amount of my kids' candy that I have consumed.
Also notable event that day was Chad's first solo stab at doing Tessa's hair. He came up with this one all on his own. Trust me, I had nothing to do with it.