Monday, August 25, 2014

You know the saying, "When the cat's away, the mouse plays"?  Around our house we say, "When Tom G is away, Martha plays."

A few weeks ago, my dad was out of town fishing in Alaska and my mom took the opportunity to throw a week-long party.

I saw my mom six times that week.  One time was to meet up for snow cones at our favorite spot.  Three times were at the swimming pool where she carried a bag full of candy, snacks and squirt guns.  Another time was at the carnival where she purchased enough tickets to keep the grandkids busy for hours.

Favorite uncle:

My mom and sister were more than a little nervous when all the kids went on "The Magic Genie" ride:

And finally, at the end of the week, my parents gave all of us girls an early (very generous) birthday gift: dinner in SLC and Wicked tickets.

I hope my dad keeps up his annual fishing trip.  We'll take mom off his hands anytime...

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