Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jokes on You...April Fool's Day

April Fool's day is right up there with Christmas around my in-law's house.  Last year we introduced Caden to the idea of April Fool's and he's been asking for months "when is the day we do all the jokes?"  

Caden spent the night before at his grandparent's house.  He woke-up with his toenails painted pink.  He had a breakfast of "dinner"--baked potatoes and ham along with ice cream sundaes for dessert.   When I got there, he was still pulling the pretend-spider-on the-kitchen-counter one and you should have seen grandpa's reaction!

When he got home, he was still in full swing.  Apparently he had followed his cousins around all morning and taken notes.  Within a half hour, he'd put tape on the kitchen sink, seran wrap on the toilet, soap on the sink handles and soap in my water cup.  Pretty good for a 4 year old.

The only joke Chad played on me was telling me he had worked on a buffalo that day (he's on rotation in Wyoming).  

As for myself, I sent an email to my BYU-I students answering questions about the huge end-of-semester project due that day.  I told them I sincerely hoped they'd been gathering their newspaper articles throughout the semester and had their summaries written...etc, etc.  At the end of the email I told them it was just an April Fool's joke.  I got back quite a few emails from students saying job well done--they'd definitely been tricked.  Pretty funny...and I felt a little guilty.

My only fear is that Caden is already planning for next year.

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